Mike Maden

Mike Maden

About the Author

I grew up working in the canneries, feed mills and slaughterhouses of California’s San Joaquin Valley. A lifelong fascination with history and warfare ultimately lead to a Ph.D. in political science focused on conflict and technology in international relations. Like millions of others, I first became a Tom Clancy fan after reading The Hunt for Red October, and began my published fiction career in the same techno-thriller genre, starting with DRONE and the sequels, BLUE WARRIOR, DRONE COMMAND and DRONE THREAT. I’m honored to be joining “The Campus” as a writer in the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan, Jr., series. POINT OF CONTACT is my first novel is this new adventure.


Feindkontakt: Thriller (JACK RYAN 25)

Ein unbekannter Hacker namens CHIBI bietet sensible Informationen der US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste international zum Verkauf an. Ein Sabotageakt nach dem anderen ist dank dieser gestohlenen Daten erfolgreich, und die Feinde der Vereinigten Staaten werden hellhörig. Auch kriminelle Organisationen wie das Eiserne Syndikat ziehen ihren Vorteil aus den lukrativen Cyberdeals. Jack Ryan jr. bekämpft den alten Bekannten vor Ort in Polen, während es in Washington für Präsident Jack Ryan senior brenzlig wird: Auch China steigt in den illegalen Datenhandel ein, und CHIBI plant, den dauerhaften Zugriff auf die Cloud der amerikanischen Geheimdienste zu versteigern. Präsident Ryan muss die Schwachstelle finden, und zwar schnell.

Clive Cussler Fire Strike

Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the Oregon must battle an army of genetically engineered mercenaries to stop a hypersonic missile attack in this explosive new adventure in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.

When Cabrillo is hired to extract an undercover operative in Kenya, he finds himself on the trail of a deadly international plot. A Saudi Prince seeks to unleash a deadly assault on U.S. forces, sparking a new war in the Middle East and ultimately destroying Israel.
Cabrillo’s crew have met their most fearsome adversaries yet: a force of bio-hacked soldiers endowed with extreme strength and stamina and an unquenchable appetite for violence. The Oregon team must journey from the Amazon rainforest to an abandoned monastery in Eritrea before a final showdown in the mountains of Yemen, using every shred of courage and cunning they can muster to disable the ship-killer missile before the Arabian Sea becomes a mass grave.


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