Riccardo Polacci

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Riccardo Polacci

About the Author

Riccardo Polacci, a seasoned Senior Software Engineer, has seamlessly transitioned into a prolific writer. With a flair for Norse culture and mythology, he weaves his passion for history into captivating narratives.His debut work, "Born a Viking: Blót," marks the inception of an enthralling saga of books, melding ancient sagas with his imaginative prowess to invite readers on an epic journey. Beyond coding, Riccardo's diverse pursuits, from Martial Arts to global adventures, infuse his tales with richness. Immerse yourself in his fusion of myth, storytelling, and boundless exploration, and let his books reshape your perspective.


Born a Viking: Blót

In Viking Age Scandinavia, Sigurd, a nine-year-old Norwegian boy, is accompanying his family during a spiritual pilgrimage to Uppsala, Sweden. Eirik, his father, is a mystical and mysterious legendary warrior.

During this spiritual experience, Sigurd discovers that Eirik is the leader of a secret group of outcast shaman warriors devoted to Odin. As he digs deeper, Sigurd struggles to understand whether his father is to be revered or despised.

Immersed in the heart of Norse paganism, Sigurd starts experiencing mystical visions guiding him to follow in his father’s footsteps. However, as his family’s past comes back to haunt them through a tragic and brutal murder, an intricate conspiracy is unveiled, threatening the very fabric of Scandinavian culture.

Mysticism and legend blend with the harsh reality of greed and politics as Sigurd fights for survival while struggling to accept his destiny.


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